Monday, January 23, 2006

Holy neds… the woman that sits in the cubicle behind me is luring others around us to listening to the local conservative talk radio station during the day… the line-up for this local station? Neal Boortz, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Clark Howard (actually he’s not too bad, not political but give financial information, etc – I’ve gotten some good financial advice from him), Michael Savage, and Coast to Coast in the wee am hours. We aren’t supposed to listen to internet radio streams on our systems, so they’ve all gone out and gotten small radios to sit on their desks for this. I feel as if I’m being surrounded by an angry mob, and I’m waiting for them to throw their net over me and try to pull me in. This is more than a little frightening…


Pax Romano said...

Be on the lookout for seedpods, that's how they get you!

Ruth said...

YES!! I'm contemplating trying to fashion some sort of plastic bubble over my cube, and am wondering if chicken wire and plastic wrap will be strong enough...

T. Paulina said...

Don't let them get you!!! Run!!! Save yourself!!

If you make the bubble... make sure you have your own oxygen supply... you don't want to breathe the same air they are breathing...