Friday, September 22, 2006

Fave Foto Friday

I am late to the game today, because I'm just now getting home from having dinner and hanging out with a friend after work. I LOVE Pax's idea of Fave Foto Friday and had to participate in this one!!

My favorite is a picture of my best friend and me, from our Senior year in high school. I'm on the left. In one click, the photographer managed to capture the essence of our friendship.


Pax Romano said...

You are linked!!!!

justrose said...

that is the cutest thing i've ever seen. rock on.

T. Paulina said...

I LOVE that picture... I always have, since you showed it to me in your dorm room a thousand years ago! LOL

pissed off patricia said...

That photo says "happy" so beautifully.

pissed off patricia said...

Just read your comment over at MM about waking and not being able to go back to sleep. The last three mornings I have awoken at exactly 2am and that's it, no more sleep is to be had. My brain starts like a freaked out mail sorter tossing ideas at me left and right. Hopefully this is only a temporary deal and will soon get back to semi normal again.

Anonymous said...

Gee, we were so young then. I always did think that was a great picture of you and M. Remember the Stay-Puff Marshmallow man lurking in dark corners? I still have that sign. :o)