Sunday, March 19, 2006

Well crap on a cracker. I've spent about $150 at the iTunes website today. But I got some good stuff... and it made me happy, if only for a little while (there's truly something to be said for retail therapy). I just hope K doesn't peruse the credit card bill too thoroughly next month.

So what's on my iPod now, you ask??

Some additional Sarah McLachlan, some older things of hers that I hadn't purchased yet.

Dido, who I'd never listened to before, until a lady I work with turned me onto her last week.

And I heard a very interesting story on NPR the other day about the South by Southwest annual music festival in Texas, so I found some of the artists featured in the story and bought some of their stuff.

And I made a big pot of chili today.

What a productive Sunday afternoon!


Maidy said...

Chili and iTunes. You are one happenin' chickie!

T. Paulina said...

I want some chili!! You don't load up on all the heartburn ingredients, do you?? hehe