Monday, October 27, 2008

Catching up...

I do not have gallstones.  This is a good thing, but leaves us in the position of not knowing what's causing the intermittent nausea and vomiting.  I'm a little fed up with my doctor at this point, because every time I call to give an update on how I'm feeling, it's duly noted and I'm told to call back in 10 days.
The husband did not pass the medical office coder certification test (he came very, very close, but close only counts with horseshoes and hand grenades).  He has been diligently searching, but still does not have a job.  The temporary services will probably be next.
We had a parent/teacher conference for the boy today.  It's been scheduled for several weeks... perhaps my nerves leading up to this are what caused the latest round of vomiting?  It went better than I expected, honestly.  He's still somewhat immature compared to some of the other kids, but that's typical in boys, and not surprising considering we've never had him in daycare (ie. not a lot of exposure to other kids until preschool).  His fine motor skills are behind, but we knew that.  We're making a concentrated effort now (FINALLY) to sit down with him in the evenings to work on this, to reinforce what they do at school.  The husband and I have done the boy a great disservice in not concentrating on this sooner.  We've let ourselves get caught up with the stress of other things going on, which is inexcusable.  The school has people from the Easter Seals organization come in every year to evaluate all the kids, which will determine if we just haven't worked hard enough on the motor skills, or if it's some kind of actual developmental delay, so that will be helpful.
And so it goes in our little corner of the world...


Twyla said...

I'm glad that you don't have gallstones, but it's awful not knowing what is wrong. Nausea and vomiting? It's not the big 'P' word is it???

Ruth said...

Bite your tongue!

Let's just say to get 'P', there has to be 'S'... and with the 4 1/2 year old sleeping in between us, there hasn't been much 'S' going on...

Was that TMI?

Twyla said...

No, it wasn't TMI... LOL And I will bite my tongue. But I had to say it, because my best friend just found out she was pregnant, and she was having the same symptoms. :-)