Saturday, September 20, 2008

It's always easier to leave than to be left

I found out yesterday that a friend passed from this life into the next by her own hand this week.
I'm more heartbroken than shocked, because even just since I'd know her, she'd tried this twice before. She was beautiful and sweet and kind but tortured, and impossible to reach when it came to convincing her to seek the only kind of help that would have moved her past the demons that sometimes consumed her. She was my Dave Matthews buddy. She was the one who dropped everything at work and drove me to the hospital the day I got the call that my father was in cardiac arrest. Her daughter is just 13, and I wonder how she'll ever come to terms with this.

Rest in Peace, Jennifer. You will be missed, but I hope you finally feel set free.

1 comment:

T. Paulina said...

Oh Ruth, I'm so sorry. I grieve for you and for her young daughter. Suicide is such a horribly selfish act. I'm praying for you.